REACH-Authorisation: FoBiG in ECHA´s new partners service


For companies seeking support for preparing Applications for Authorisation under REACH or wishing to exchange experiences ECHA provides a new partners service to find suitable partners for their authorisation applications. For more information click here. On the list of partners provided by ECHA you will also find FoBiG and RPA Ltd.:
For REACH authorisation FoBiG is working closely with the UK consultancy RPA Ltd. in Loddon. Both consultancies cooperate(d) successfully in several past and ongoing authorisation projects for chemical companies and consortia. Whereas RPA provides special expertise in socioeconomic analysis (SEA) and the technical and economic aspects of the evaluation of alternatives, FoBiG’s main tasks are improving the CSR (particularly the exposure assessment, to be able to conclude on low risks) and assessing the hazard and risk profiles of potential alternative substances.